Horizons of Focus
🙂 H5 - Purpose & Principles (life)
The purpose, mission, and values at the heart of your existence.
🔭 H4 - Vision (5y)
A broad overview of what success looks like for you on a 3 – 5 years timeline.
🥅 H3 - Goals & Objectives (2y)
The larger outcomes you’d like to make manifest in the next 1 – 2 years.
🔥 H2 - Area of Focus (1y)
Areas of Focus and Accountabilities. The roles and areas of life you are committed to focusing on in the next 12 months.
⚡️ H1 - Projects & Priorities (3mo)
The list of any outcome you are committed to realizing in < 12 months. Personally, for this horizon, I prefer defining activities that can be done in a quarter (i.e. <= 3 months).
Refer to PARA Method.
⬅️ Ground - Calendar/Actions
Ground tasks are the one you execute everyday
Refer to GTD Framework or Now-Next-Later Roadmap.